Commercial Insurance
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Commercial Property
Losses and damages to real or personal property are covered by property insurance. For instance, damage to your office from a fire would be covered by a property insurance policy.

General Liability
Injury to third parties that you cause is covered by liability insurance. Your liability insurance coverage would pay for the cost of defending you in court if someone sued you for bodily harm or property damage.

Commercial Auto
Your company’s automobiles, vans, trucks, and trailers are covered by commercial auto insurance. In the event that your vehicles are destroyed, stolen, or cause harm to people or property, you will be reimbursed by the policy.


Workers Compensation
Your coverage for an employee’s workplace injuries is provided through workers’ compensation insurance. Different state regulations require businesses with employees to maintain some form of workers’ compensation insurance.

Commercial Umbrella

Errors & Omissions


Cyber Liability


Business Income

Key person insurance, also known as keyman insurance, refers to a life insurance policy that a corporation purchases on the life of a key employee. The president and C-suite executives are often covered, although this may vary by industry.

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